Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Energy Conservation Project

Being ignorant about energy conservation issues is hard to do these days.  Energy conservation ideas are everywhere, which they should be.  We all need to do our part to reduce energy consumption and reduce our carbon footprint.  I don't get to use that word very much so that was kind of fun.  One of the issues that I feel needs to be addressed in my own life is that amount of plastic bags that I use.  I see those things everywhere.
  • In my house
  • Along the side of the road
  • In the ocean when I am using my boat (another energy hog)   
So my question is:
How many barrels of oil would I save in a year by using a cloth grocery bad instead of using plastic grocery bags?
An obvious starting point in this project would be to see how many plastic grocery bags I use personally in a year.  Since I don't have a year to make that observation, I am going to estimate.  I will calculate how many grocery bags my wife and I use over a two week period and average that out per week.  Then I can estimate how many we would use in a year.  
I am assuming that this number is going to fairly small, so I would like to play with some other numbers as well.  Perhaps I can convert my
  • family
  • school
  • town
to my new ways.  How many barrels of oil would we be saving then?
The most important piece of information that I am going to need to find is how many plastic bags are produced by a barrel of oil.  Or possibly how much oil it takes to produce one plastic bag.  
Should be fun, can't wait to see what everyone else is doing,

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