Monday, March 16, 2009

Social Web has been a valuable website for me this year.  Although it is not geared to my content area specifically, I was able to find a social studies chat board that I participated in from time to time over the last couple of months.  Although I didn't write a lot on the board, I was able to get in touch with some very interesting and well established social studies teachers. They were very friendly and generous with their insights and lending of materials.  I definitely will continue to use this resource in the future.
It is very comforting as a beginning teacher to know that there are people out there who are willing to share their successes and failures with others.  Too many times this year, I have seen and heard from other teachers how sometimes they feel on their own in the classroom.  I am sure some districts are different than others, but it is nice to know that there are places on the web that you can go to feel camaraderie with other professionals in your field.  You can visit the social studies chat board here.

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