Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assistive Technologies for Reading

Landon Roberts - - 1-26-09

Assistive Technologies for Reading – Ted S. Hasselbring, Margaret E. Bausch


Hasselbring and Bausch, both special education professors at the University of Kentucky, discuss the importance of assistive technologies for special education students.  The authors give facts throughout the article to emphasize their point that assistive technologies improve reading skills for special education students, as well as help students shed unnecessary attention upon themselves as they are able to work independently on improving their reading ability.

Click here to continue reading my assessment of "Assistive Technologies for Reading" in Google Docs.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Overdominance of Computers

Landon Roberts - - 1-26-09
The Over Dominance of Computers - Lowell W. Monks
In his article, "The Overdominance of Computers," Mr. Monks examines the idea that computers may possibly be playing a role in young people's lives that might not be in their best interest.  He questions the long standing assumption that access to computers from a young age helps student achievement.  He also understands the power that comes with technology and believes that instead of giving younger children a free rein on technology, teachers should instill the qualities in the younger generation that will encourage students to use the power that comes with technology in an ethical manner.  Mr. Monk offers some helpful solutions such as waiting to teach technology instruction until after elementary school, and encouraging younger students to engage in hands on school experiences such as drama, and outdoor activities.
To view the rest of the document click here